home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @echo off
- if %3 == install goto install
- echo If you wish to install the NASCAR Racing 2 demo on your system,
- echo please run the INSTALL.EXE program.
- goto exit
- rem usage: inst from_drive to_drive install
- rem example: inst d: c: install
- :install
- %2
- md cars
- md cars\cars94
- cd cars\cars94
- copy %1\n2demo\cars\cars94\*.*
- cd ..
- cd ..
- md rol
- cd rol
- copy %1\n2demo\rol\*.*
- cd ..
- md objs
- cd objs
- copy %1\n2demo\objs\*.*
- cd ..
- md effects
- cd effects
- copy %1\n2demo\effects\*.*
- cd ..
- md sound
- cd sound
- copy %1\n2demo\sound\*.*
- cd ..
- md font
- cd font
- copy %1\n2demo\font\*.*
- cd ..
- md layout
- cd layout
- copy %1\n2demo\layout\*.*
- cd ..
- md tracks
- cd tracks
- md atlanta
- cd atlanta
- copy %1\n2demo\tracks\atlanta\*.*
- cd ..
- md watglen
- cd watglen
- copy %1\n2demo\tracks\watglen\*.*
- cd ..
- cd ..
- rem copy %1\n2demo\rminfo.exe
- rem copy %1\n2demo\pminfo32.exe
- copy %1\n2demo\hmidet.386
- copy %1\n2demo\hmidrv.386
- copy %1\n2demo\setup.exe
- rem copy %1\n2demo\setup.cfg
- copy %1\n2demo\gameopt2.cfg
- rem copy %1\n2demo\modems.cfg
- copy %1\n2demo\mip.cfg
- copy %1\n2demo\readme.txt
- copy %1\n2demo\main.dat
- copy %1\n2demo\calendar
- copy %1\n2demo\uvconfig.exe
- copy %1\n2demo\n2demo.exe
- copy %1\n2demo\n2demo.pif
- :exit